Standard Home Inspection

Our standard home inspection is just that... Standard! We don't trick you into paying more for a "premium" home inspection. Every inspection we do is comparable to the other guys "premium" inspection. We abide by the Standards of Practice for every inspection. We would never feel comfortable offering a discounted home inspection package. This is one of the biggest purchases of your life and we believe offering only the best home inspection every time is required of us.
Our standard home inspection covers everything from condos to large multi-family complexes. One service fits all. This service inspects all areas of the main building and aims to teach you how to care for the home once it is yours. All of our inspections are accompanied by an inspection report filled out using software, never by hand. We promise to finish and deliver your report the same day as the inspection. No, not within the next 24 hours, TODAY. Why? Because we understand you are under a time obligation and you need time to make these big decisions. Schedule an inspection online today with us and discover the difference you get when you have the Buyer's Edge.
Radon Testing

Radon is nothing new. What is new is our understanding of how dangerous it is. The fact is just 1 pCi/L is equivalent to smoking 2.5 cigarettes per day. We perform radon testing using continuous radon monitors that provide a read out of the hourly readings. This allows us to know if the test was tampered with and also what fluctuations were due too. We never use any other method of testing ensuring accuracy and instant results. Never wait for lab results.Radon tests are performed over
a 48 hour period. As soon as we pick the monitor up we have the results. Radon is present in every home. If the home has never been tested before or hasn't been tested in the last two years we strongly suggest adding radon testing to your home inspection. It is the fastest and easiest way to ensure your family's safety today! Click the link below to find out more about radon and its potential risks. Have a conversation with your real-estate agent about radon testing and if your offer to purchase allows you to have a radon test performed. If you decide after you own the home to have testing done, we are happy to perform the test.
Fact Check! Only 1/3 of our inspections have radon testing performed. Yet, a surprising 2/3 of radon tests we perform show levels of radon above the 4 pCi/L limit set by the EPA. That means a large number of our clients are purchasing homes with high levels of radon without knowing it. Not only does this mean when it comes time to sell their home they may be on the hoof for installing a radon mitigation system but, much worse, their families are exposed to dangerous levels of radon during their ownership.
Don't put your family and you wallet at risk. Get the peace of mind provided by a radon test performed by Buyer's Edge.
Pre-Listing Inspection

Look, we understand no one wants to admit there is something wrong with their home. The truth is every home has some issues. Ask any inspector and they will tell you they have never inspected a perfect home. Not even new construction. If a deal for your home falls through because of a bad inspection it may cost you thousands of dollars. There is never a guarantee you will get another offer as high as that offer. It may take months to get another offer costing you. If you are already under
contract on your next home it could potentially put that deal at risk. There is one easy way to limit those risks. Get a pre-listing inspection! This is the same great inspection as our standard home inspection. Let our inspectors help you understand any issues with your home and prioritize them for repair. By the time you list your home potential buyers will be able to pick it apart with a fine tooth comb and come up empty. The best part of our pre-listing inspection is that it not only saves you potential money when your selling but it also saves you money when you go to buy your new home. Let us perform your pre-listing inspection and we will give you $75 off your next home inspection.
Pool/Spa Inspection

Love water so much you've decided to purchase a home that has a pool or hot tub? Pools can be a wonderful addition to a home. Offering a unique touch to any home pools can be a place for family and friends to gather. They help to promote activity and exercise for all ages and help to instill water skills into children. There are two very important aspects of owning a pool, safety and maintenance. Safety is first and foremost when it comes to the inspection. We strive to ensure your new pool is free
from any potential safety concerns Something as simple as a small crack in a drain cover can pose a huge risk. The good news is, by taking precautions and making sure all items are in proper working order, you can nearly eliminate all that risk. Let our inspectors make sure your new hub of activity is nothing but family fun! Like all fun things, pools require a bit of maintenance. To someone who has never owned a pool before all that information can be overwhelming. Our inspectors are here to teach you about your pool and give you a solid leg up which will get you past the tedious work and onto enjoying your pool in no time! Schedule your pool inspection with us today.
Termite (WDO) Inspections

The VA now requires termite (WDO) inspections as part of their loan process is most of SE Wisconsin. At Buyer's Edge we understand that the last thing you need during the home buying process is to make another call and pay another fee. That is why we now offer termite inspections for all our VA loan clients for free (a $75 value). All you need to do is make sure to let your inspector or our office know you will need a report. No extra calls and no extra fees. You will receive the report right along with your inspection report.
Commercial Inspections

We don't just specialize in homes, we also help everyone from small to large businesses when the time comes to purchase new property. We understand that you business is just as important as your home. That's why its our honor to help serve you in such a large step. Whether its a small office space, a large building, an apartment complex or even an aircraft hanger we can help assure that your newest investment will be a good one. Give us a call today and let us help your business grow!